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The four heroes create a new field.

The four heroes needed to find something they could achieve will all they'd found thus far, because it was all they needed for what they hoped would be a successful update of the their views, thus they needed to find a goal that used:
  • Motion pictures = 4
  • Plurience = 2
  • Substance invention = 4
  • Property study = 4
  • Parsemy = 2
  • Meaning conversion = 2
  • Limit breaking = 4
  • Limit metaphysics = 3
  • Spelience = 1
  • Middle cross = 3
  • Sprays = 3
  • Memetic magic = 3
and further used the new concepts:
  • cardinal directions = 2
  • spirituality = 1
  • spacetime atomind = 3
  • prediction avoidance = 3
  • spiritual effect = 1
To do this they defined different uses for the different things, supra properties of the nature of different parts of the subject:

  • divinity = 1
  • travel = 2
  • effect = 3
  • objects = 4
Then defined a purpose:

A object that let them effect and travel the lands of divinity

So they began building it:

3, the effect and affect:

they listed what was relevant to this group:
  • limit metaphysics
  • middle cross
  • sprays
  • memetic magic
  • spacetime atomind
  • prediction avoidance
Then they built the effect of their object, with the stuff described:

It is a limit metaphysical concept, in which the solutions are caused by middle cross sprays and activated by magic, the spells modify the environment towards fate avoidance.

This can be decribed in more detail as an effect:

Their is a set of rules to this ideas that are its limitations, which it must follow, solving it is through the middle cross ( thus it is the middle cross that is its metaphysical rule ) and the art becomes magic in completion. With the goal to modify an environments fate.

For example:
  1. the world is doomed by energy loss
  2. we don't need energy to attain much
  3. but we do need energy for motion
  4. we can limit what requires energy
  5. and thus we can control the usage of it
  6. but it isn't fair to take energy
  7. thus we require other spaces for things
then we create a meme space of the idea ( using alternative space to conserve energy ):

Thus they create a pocket realm for use in separate utility, which can be used to manipulate other things outside the things they have access to in reality. In which things are created using the rules of that space rather then the one they are currently in.

but this is only the effect of the goal, so we continue with:

2, traveling abroad the systems:

  • Plurence
  • Parsemy
  • Cardinal direction
they take to create the required means of travel which is divided into three steps:
  1. Going beyond the current convention
  2. Adding this to something preceding
  3. Traveling across it in a direction desired
thus through this, the four heroes have a way to travel across the world, through going up, through and across from it:

and can therefore create new concepts in a novel direction:
  1. Beleifs unsubstantial are usable
  2. Wisdom + Unsubstantial = How it effects
  3. / Ignorence is unaffected
they have therefore created a mapping base for their explorations of the higher things and can thus move towards it with greater ease. Because it is always traveling in the same direction, from a point of interaction and can be coordinated through knowing the rule set that its based off of.

next they need to define the spiritual world ( which is behind the real one ):

1, the spiritual world behind:

  • Spellience
  • Spirituality
  • Spiritual effect
Using solely the spirits of their group:
  • Lepoxiania
  • Ansoria
  • Holixion
  • Pavoriess
They will work on the Spillience to see their effects on the world and thus have a list of abilities their gods can do, which will better provide for the rest of the work. For example:

Holixion can:

Create rainbows that manifest into pastel 

Ansoria can:

Erase words to write knowledge above

Pavoriess can:

Balance the ways of fear with that of unlimit

but these things are transcendental metaphors for the things they can do that a far above the human understanding. They provide a better use for their work, when they the humans don't know what to do as the persomnia enlighten them through their definitions.

They simply need to add the object:

4 the object they will use:

  • Motion pictures
  • Substance invention
  • Property study
  • limit breaking
Using motion pictures, substance invention and property study, they will develope through limit breaking the object they need. However this is simple enough to follow that it doesn't need an example, because it simply uses motion pictures to create a new substance based of the properties described and bringing it about.

Still this is not the completed structure of the goal, which will be described now:

4321, the object, effected Transferred to spirit:

The full work, which is described here is taking the object created, its solved questions, then discovering through a cardinal transfer the spiritual power of it in relation to the divine.

It is useful for creating a landscape of the universe and will be the subject of the next blog post, which will do several examples of this process.


Dog Demans arrive:

The dog demans arrive to critic the idea the four heroes have had, to find their own way to the ring, and thus the light above nothingness ( even though the humans live in something )

thus they begin:


Wild card states simply:
  • Limit metaphysics is unable to be controlled, their must be a way for only limits to exist
  • Why must solutions be made, their should be a more problems in the wolves lands
  • Sprays have low success rate, me like it, but me want even less, thus reverse it
  • Programing codes are better then meme magic, because they are detailed and expressed
  • Rather then manipulating space alone, we shall use the planets as a source of mods
  • Accept your fate, and you will be given all that is at hand, fight it not. Woof!
Thus wildcard expounded on his part of the work:

Using only the limitation:
  • We cannot reach the edge of the multiverse
We accept its problems with extentiveness:
  • We can only wander the cosmos eternally
Then we accept even less available ability in the situation, with luck!:
  • In this eternity, their is little we have to do
So we program new circumstances outward, towards the infinity:
  • We add to the infinity, towards further edges
We explore them from their natural domains towards better ones:
  • We build solids and papers, memes and celestial
Thus we absorb the circumstance of our life, Rarw!!! :
  • We cannot reach the edge, only the eternity, we have little to do except go over the edge and explore the domains as they pass us by.


Nile states the following steps after the edge has been lost:
  • We cannot go beyond the earth, its nothingness and its completed nature
  • Our equations do not use math, but symbol removal solely, such is the way
  • We go in no directions, excepting only the result of our works to other
Thus he shows an example:
  • Eternity: We cannot reach the edge, only the eternity, we have little to do except go over the edge and explore the domains as they pass us by.
  • Eternity - Eternity: Temporary
  • Thus this is a temporary circumstance of existence, which we will growl and suffer in!


Boan takes on the realm of spirit, prepared to critic it for the Dog Demans sake:
  • Symbols have no gain, they remain exactly the same and are differentiated by subtraction
  • The gods do not exist, they act according to the four words: Science, Workout, Art, Masochism
  • They effect according to our request and are offerings to us, by our request, which respond
Thus he added the basic concepts together to create an applied system:
  1. Symbols represent the situation: ✨💪💦💥 ( these represents the words of the Lavor )
  2. We can subtract them to create more from which to subtract: 
💥-💦= Rawpain 💢 ( masochism without the dressup )

(note that elemental creation is still done by addition)


Poe creates his perspective:
  • These worlds are not in motion outside their placement in the landscape, through a specified coordinate ( absence )
  • Substances are built from the universal realm of the dog deman, but vary based off the landscape design
  • Further study can be done, through debate about the properties of the things involved by solely the Dog Demans
  • Their is no need to break the limitation of the circumstance, it is as it is in this landscape.
As and Example:

  • 💢 is a place of pain without artistic desplay, it doesn't look overly pleasant or the opposite, and is not stylistically defined.
  • Thus it would be mostly made out of ash, because that is quite boring and solid, it would have to remain as unskulpted as possible.
  • We could argue its whether it is more or less artistic to go one direction or the other.
  • It will be uncomfortable there, if desired it is good if not it is to be left.
The four dog demans then left to find another place, to begin working on their worlds:


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