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The two travels

They will build two objects and discover their relevance to the spirits powers. By following the steps on the previous blog post.

1.1: A stabilizing field

First they draw a motion picture, which will be a base for their object:

Then they fill it with substances that they define, through portions of the picture:

Which they define certain properties:

  • Stability
  • Pathway
  • Offshoots
  • Fluid
Then repair the limitations, which begin with its goal:
  • A means to stabilize offshoot paths of reality, through a fluid motion.
  • It requires commitment and work on the daily.
  • It is not an object but could be made into one, if realities are memetic.
  • Perhaps a representation of the idea could be made more visibly
Thus, the created object is more mental then physical, but could be represented and is the idea that work on the same project can be controlled and offshoots can be journeyed too, to provide the world a sense of realism and stability.

1.2: Design of the objects theory

Then one begins the first study of the limitations, to record them more clearly:
  • Organisation and memory can be limiting
  • Work within long scale times is difficult if no novelty is made
  • Their should be a way to make something that inspires novelty ( with timing )
  • Thus the representative should be visibly available but sometimes functional
Then we take the basic components and resolve them through a spray:
  • What can be a functional novelty finder, that is time able
  • We can create a meme generator, which inspires ideas
  • We cannot attain it through just the daily activity, because it is timely
  • We should place a portion of the goal there, to attain its root
  • We could build a place to attain these novel ideas, in efficiency
  • But we don't know how to build this place in efficiency
  • So we have to spend the time planing it out.
Thus our memetic magical object is this:

But we want to use it for real, so we must absorb it into reality, so that it can be used, thus we need to find a place it has been shown to work before:
  • While learning about other stuff separately
But I fear I will avoid doing this, thus I must avoid the result, since this would mean repeating similar problems, as such:
  • I will try to take less breaks, because this takes up a memory and organisation space

Plurence, is going beyond this basic concept, with the idea of something to use when out of ideas, which would better displace the circumstance, beyond the sole use of other projects:

  • I require a system which represents itself towards novelty, rather then not.
  • Which can be programmable and define able in distinctive but sometimes different ways.
  • That provides highly random and thus novel landscapes, without my input alone
  • I have made something before, but this requires an advancement.
Thus using parsemy, I will add a few concepts together:

memetic math + high novelty = Variable-Recorder

I will thus add to it in an Italic form, by explaining:
  • I will add a constructed program, which builds itself through recorded information and can store it effectively, and provide a map of where I have been.

finally, I will locate some form of spiritual advice from this system to advance it even farther, by referring to the same image in this direction:

  • Some are watching some are waving, they wait as a dark sun rises or perhaps a brighter one.
  • Wisdom and Madness waive, Fear and Faith watch. 
  • A mountain rests behind them.
This suggests they are waiting for the sunrise after a long journey and thus I realize that the next step is but a long walk, rather then a short experience and I've done many walks before.

Thus their spiritual effect, is the journeying from night till day, until a different parted way.

In conclusion, we receive both advice, idea and utility with a spiritual effect through this work and have three more to do.

2.1: We repeat the creation of an object.

We create an object:

and the defined portions:

Then we study the properties:
  • Cross yonder
  • Meeting ground
  • Common end
  • Cross yonder product
  • Surrounding field
Then we define them specifically:
  • The commissioning of the people
  • The place where they shall meet
  • Where they will head out to together and what on the way.
  • The result of their commission into each others surroundings
  • The rest they will learn along the way.
This is a plan for bringing the groups on the blog closer together to more easily focus on their ends, but they haven't yet come to this and thus they must first prepare for this, in doing other things, since it will be a journey to friendship or at least coexistence. Another internalized object, could be made physical.

2.2: Planning a meeting

The limitations of the work should be considered immediately:
  • The work will require a plot, which reflects current affairs
  • The reasons for their attempts to coexist should be clear
  • They must be ready for anything that arrives during its interplay
and should be fixed:
  • They must find the source of the monsters.
  • It is a risk to their worlds and without it all is futile
  • Since they'll be working with dog demans, who knows what they'll have to solve
The magic is likewise this:

and the example of this success is where it has already occured on this blog:
  • Several characters have interacted to form interesting plots and subjects.
but their is a problem:
  • Much of a project takes a while and leaves more to effect.
Thus i will have to make bigger but less posts.

2.3: Beyond the basic concept

They must seek out something to improve the circumstance and take it farther, thus they will:
  • Take the ideas of others but direct them towards their own ends
  • They will set out to resolve the conflict of the monsters, in peace.
  • They will discover some things along the way that are related to works already done.
  • They will then result in a process of working that can be worked with.
Then Vane added the things together:

Interaction + Direction = Mapping control

So he concluded that he needed a better map of what he needed to do, for this reason he would add it to the list of things on that project already mentioned.

  • They would work on a better idea tool, for exploration.


Taking from the image listed already, the direction has changed:

Thus it reads:
  • A group together, with no one else.
  • May be better at communicating on the way.
  • Their is better in days of discussion.
And thus they are a group above old days of separation.

And offer the ability of the two lights and shadows together as one.

So we will build a technology to help us along the way, that is an improvement to what is already.


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