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Spelience and the Gate

This is the gate we will use for spelience symbol creation and is the source of our current divinity which we will ascend to.

(Clown: Sound, Pink: Color, Lightning star: Icon)

Thus our divinity, is the spirit of every-future and is the spirit of this picture:

This is thus how he functions:

Every future is unique and exists next to each other as time passes it increases exponentially towards higher futures that further other ends above those of the previous accomplishment. Each future exists next to each other, as their are different countries and they will continue to become additional.

The power of futures growing is addition and the manifestation of those additional creates itself by nothing, because future is creating extensions of itself towards other ends anyways. The end is built from that previous space, which reflects or moves itself about.

Addition, is an increase of times+spaces, which are built from actual time spaces. These time spaces are capable of individual events that do not occur in other timelines and distance creates extensions of time

As such the control of time is also both subjective and objective based on how it is done, because subjective experiences of time and objective behavior is based on those subjective experiences perceives one space of time. Others perceive other spaces of time.

Thus time can be manipulated by circumstance.

But we want to advance this concept further into the future, by attaining its ability, specifically manipulating the time we are in to any-future, we can do this in the shortest root by:

Appropriately approaching a setting from some angle of reference as similar to the time zone as possible. For example:

"I want to go see the future of cellphones and bring it back here."

The result would be the simplification of something and thus, we could argue the future of hologram cellphones. We can return this to the earth by using different screen casts, or using light projection from the phone onto other things.

Such as basic projectors.

All I did was find the closest matching thing and advance its construction towards the higher future.

One way to improve it is, smoke.

However, I knew this already and thus I require something else to further this concept beyond both future spaces in time and bringing about more futures into reality, thus I will find some additional ability since we have attained the level above ( traveling to the future ):

We can twice advance the future, such that the future we just described is made further, by doing the same thing, thus after hologram cellphones we can use mental messaging, such that its all in your mind.

But this can be done with some manner of mental reading, from which the messaging can be gained through sound input.

But I still want something else to further the concept above:

We can plan futures from the things we created, such that we can design orders of its manifestation and becoming, such that it becomes an art form of creative future forming and that the future becomes as a diverse difference based on the opinion on how or what will occur in that future as it changes, and base its manifestation on area such that the realm of becoming does not effect other times.

With future modification, future location, future advancement and future manifestation, does one of have signficant power over the future, which comes about in difference. However we must now move on to other things.


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