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Emblems magic of disagreement ( Sprays )

" The power of the unseen among visibility"

Sprays use abilities defined on the spot or recorded in lists of sprays to attain ends desired and are useful for a plethora of things heard and unheard, their are three kinds of spray:
  • Passive : Mental thought process of spray and theoretics
  • Flaired : Emulated spray through some form of alteration
  • Active : Actual spray with a success rate and utility
The reason their are three kinds, is because there are risks with using sprays, because they can do many possible things, like set fire to something or cause harm in general, thus as a preventive measure I have noted the other two ( white and grey sprays, actives are black ) because they do less then the real thing while trying to attain the similar effect.

For example, if we take from our list of emblems:

We could create several things such as:
  • primitive light phentals
  • eclian stones modern
  • water self skilled shade
Now let us demonstrate how they function in each usable state and class:

Primitive light phentals:

Natural encounters with light beings in the observation of light, safest done with cameras with lens flair filters, such that the images do not hurt  your eyes and even harm them.

Eclian stones moderns:

Light and shadow emitting stones made from material and a light source inside, such that they create light and shadow through opaque and clear portions. Can be made in primitive with any object, through light source and its shadow.

Water self skilled shade:

Create a shadow in water, by placing your hand over it. 

These sprays are potent abilities built from YOUR understanding of reality, thus other people would know other sprays and this is why it is important to keep them at a minimum flaired when they are of risk to others or yourself.

The remaining topic is goals for them, which can also be acquired from emblems, for example:

Fire is my goal

Magnify light is my solution.

Magnify is another emblem that isn't listed, which brings me to my next point, that their are countless emblems from which to produce sprays, they can be acquired through study, inversion or other modifications.

You can read about cardinal modifications here:

and here for more advanced information.

If you want to start a fire to be destructive, do it virtually to avoid consequence. If you want to start a fire for cooking try an oven, a fire is dangerous.

If you want to have a duel, use the passive fire spray ( saying you casted a fire spray, rather then lighting the person on fire )

If you have more questions on sprays, feel free to ask a question below. I will probably be making more use of Sprays eventually as well.


Sugu's study of Sprays

Sugu began her work making an improvement to her magic system and philosophy, through which she could drawn images to communicate with the spirits, cast sprays to attain various purposes and had a growing philosophy to go along with the rest.

She wanted however to add a metaphysics for both sprays and artistic drawings, aswell as add several meanings for her work, thus she needed to go somewhere else to reacquire the knowledge she had forgotten on the subject, thus she went over here:

After finding her old meaning interface she added colors next to those meanings:

  • Ability ( Maroon )
  • Curiousity ( Red )
  • Manifestation ( Orange )
  • Wholesome ( Yellow )
  • Potency ( Green )
  • Resistance ( Blue )
  • Capacity ( Purple )
  • Clarity ( Indigo )
  • Artistry ( Thar )
  • Viewership ( Pink )
  • Singing ( Sheen )
  • Comfort ( Grey )

  • Then she added two more meanings:

    • Purity ( White )
    • Unity ( Black )

    She then needed to build a picture to go along with her work creating sprays, such that she could study how the spray functioned:

    She studied the meanings assigned, with the images attached:

    • Energy ( Maroon ) : Work and ability are funneling
    • Film ( Indigo ) : The contents are clarifying
    • Eye P1 ( Purple ) : The sight is our capacity
    • Eye P2 ( Orange ): The sight manifests 
    Thus she had a spray developed, from beginning to end:

    Working and being able bring clarity, towards the sight of our capacity made manifest.

    She then looked through her collection of sprays to use them appropriately, she noted the essentials were order, balance, chaos and will thus she went with those:

    And then she built a way towards the sight of our capacity made manifest, in which she used the will and the balance to measure how successful she had been at other topics, by realizing she didn't look through her old information very well. 

    Because she used chance and her own will, to find some means of improving her work.

    But it wasn't the time yet to focus on the past, she needed to find the metaphysics of this new spray! Which was to manifest things that needed to be worked on with balance and the will.

    She summarised that:

    The balance in the spell functions from a source of chance based ideas in the mind, which refer to some place of reference, while the will both activates and selects the thing of that random feed.

    She concluded that the ability could use greater detail in the function of that chance and that selection:

    Each thing is explained below in more detail from first to last:
    1. Mind cannot see the selected idea before it is chosen, thus the improvements possible remain hidden.
    2. A force called selection force permits the Mind to attract the improvement they cannot see.
    3. A cloud called the smoke of mind, forbids one from seeing options of improvement in the case
    4. A connection particle is created on the other side of the force, to grasp the improvement
    5. A model of our completed knowledge.
    6. However, one can also direct the will of the improvement, thus they can go around the smoke.
    7. By taking a separate root around it, using a different force.
    8. Thus their are two energies of the mind: Selective Unclear and Selective Clear.
    She had thus created the basics of understanding reality through sprays, which are very much faith based, as this is one interpretation of the mind.

    She would continue her work at a later time. Perhaps she would incorporate the middle cross!


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