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Showing posts from October, 2018

The improvements made!

Always fashionably late Below are the attempts at improving my art style, they end up being alot like previous stuff that was attempted as an improvement such as the image above, except the last which changed it up a bit: But then I tried it without outlines! Some... were better then others: Then I started working on a story:

The attempt at altering the styles

I have done some work in trying to find an alteration to greater detail, but my habits take to simplicity, so the detail added is limited, but none the less I am content enough to show some basic experience differences within the art style, because it carries some practice requirements. As such the first picture below is of different experiments: Their is some difference, inclusion of detail and shadow, brought on by little more effort into the drawings. None the less I think it should be noted that the later and quicker drawn images are better, after having  adjusted somewhat to this other idea: However, it is still certainly a work in progress, but I will try an actual peice within this frame of reference on either side of the painful gaze, meaning beauty or horror, such that the two can be stylised a little differently. But that is none the less the update a little while later. For comparison sake, here is three drawings of previous periods: ...

The science of visual linguistic styles

Some art is unlike other arts because of it's style... While we described some unforseeable horror, the existence of this painful sight is actually originating from stylisation, which represents the artists dream and thus depends entirely on taste. As such their are many styles in existence. I have wondered about my own, and actually do not like it in its current state as I have used it for 4 years now and I feel that it needs an update, so I have divised a study to enfluence myself into building a better and more realistic style, or atleast a more unique flavor then the sole portion of simplicity it currently is in, thus below I have drawn the original, the shaded, the whaling and sketch styles I have used before. TO better demonstrate the difference of styles But better yet I hope to cause influence further in my written work, because its style is ambiguous currently, thus I hope to further the stylism of my art, to better promote a difference, but mor...

The painful sight that comes speckled with light.

Some things are best left unseen With the passing of absurdity into the forever more and the completion of the infinity within which we once resided, a new form of shadow has taken to form itself in this world. It is the spirit of painful sights. Who can withstand it, if their is a sight so painful the people are forever changed. For in everything their are sights that decree that they are disturbing and distasteful and once seen they are ingrained in memory, but worse yet they come before too, in the memories we forgot to forget that no longer interest us. As such the one who watches is real and here nightmares as above and below: Cannot be unseen, atleast within our current infrastructure and thus the new problem that has come forth is called this, the painful sight and  it is the topic of this plot we begin. For she is one form of this sight and their are many, her name has been called Trypophobia: Thus the subject matter of this post is that color t...

Meloncolly, Rapture, Dazing and Meditation

Darker days can sometimes teach valuable lessons... Other days so beautiful the cascade straight out of sea Some days so dazing they aren't quite anything or not, nor the same Some days in calmness bring great wisdom on the horizon.


Extenalised Boxed Beyond the Hwall Man and his Mind

The thing called a panma

This is the start of a panma, the end is at the end of this post, I have made 2 previous panmas, found below. They represent the full understanding of reality I currently possess, but because reality is expansive, it is never the complete picture, thus I thought the first finished, the second I thought curiousity of after and the novel one I seek more. They represent transcendence of information and thus i GROW each time I make one, because they either represent the full of my knowledge, or more then my knowledge included such that they cause me to go mad with novelty and disappear into stranger things beyond my world of the first and now second image, thus the four beings at the top, represent in a different order the full of the third, much like the first is found in the third as another image. As such we expand outwards from this base of four corners that are no more then a corner itself of something larger then itself, to know what else is outside itself. Thus below...

Meaningless, no.

No meaning is found in this picture, this is it's meaning This image represents the process by which something absurd is given an absurd meaning without their being any, this is an example of something meaningless that can be created a thousand times and is worth nothing. Much like the object and the spirit can be dealt a thousand times and still be worth nothing, nor the blend of objects and spirit means anything. Thus the property we seek is a new word, not a word that exists, and cannot be found in any definition that is known, because anything within is not known, thus to write this word we must first make a bridge between the meaningless and the found, the way to is to find that mystery oustide the ring. The ring has just been brought forth, since forgotten, as we have arrived at that edge. So the process is that, we will create a word that is known to define a concept that begins with some knowledge and ends in perfect novelty, from that first word wi...

You are here!

You are here in this complication! For you see, the above image represents the current issue, which is no longer absurdity because absurdity is represented here by the first image and the second represents the other end of myself found on other blogs, the large part of the image is where we now go. Because Absurdity is conquered by the ends of itself and comes back whenever we have finished something, I have finished both my story of how to attain a want and have made myself a want, but their is yet no perfection in it. Thus perfection is the next portion of it. But perfection comes along with: The eternity at the bottom here. Thus we find ourselves at this point in the second panma, the top right corner and must pass through it, to attain more things below! I've already been through the upper left part entirely, that's what the rest of the blogs and notes are about, however everything after the snake is technically both known and unknown to m...

Plurence and the Gate

The last gate we will do will bring about something novel that doesn't exist, because I have become tired of its utility, as such we will take from both the above symbols and the concepts prior to create something novel from which to explore. ( Sound : Creaking, Particle: Stars, Icon: Wind ) + Parsemy, Spelience, Sprays Thus we will find some power of exponential growth, outside the reigns of parsemy, spelience or sprays and thus something external to these concepts. Thus what else can we do with creaking star winds, except perhaps some form of force created through these things that can be used in tandem with the stars in the sky, such that it represents a force relevant to the drawn constellation. Thus we can create images at night to produce effects the next day, by drawing our intellects up other stars and create those things as manifesting symbols on the earth the next day. But none the less I am tired and bored of this concept, thus I will take a break from the...

Parsemy and the Gate

Parsemy creates worlds from which to explore knowledge of other things, thus it takes these symbols as examples of forces in those other worlds, to be used as creative manifestations of those forces in the reality one uses. As such the following three variables are used: Icon: Fruit Sound: Door Particle: Rain Then we create the physics revolving around these things, thus I present to you the fruit door rain universe, which functions based off of a door, fruit growth from that door and the rain it receives, which create several variables of utility: Decay ( Fruit ) Growth ( Fruit ) Open ( Door ) Closed ( Door ) Wet ( Rain ) Dry ( Rain ) and we use these physics concepts to create some form of reality, which revolves around the variables received, for example: The binary behavior of each state, could be used as the basic elements of the world, such that their are numerous kinds of particles based off of the specific shadow of this door and other. Such that each stat...

Spelience and the Gate

This is the gate we will use for spelience symbol creation and is the source of our current divinity which we will ascend to. (Clown: Sound, Pink: Color, Lightning star: Icon) Thus our divinity, is the spirit of every-future and is the spirit of this picture: This is thus how he functions: Every future is unique and exists next to each other as time passes it increases exponentially towards higher futures that further other ends above those of the previous accomplishment. Each future exists next to each other, as their are different countries and they will continue to become additional. The power of futures growing is addition and the manifestation of those additional creates itself by nothing, because future is creating extensions of itself towards other ends anyways. The end is built from that previous space, which reflects or moves itself about. Addition, is an increase of times+spaces, which are built from actual time spaces. These time spaces are cap...