Pharath and friends were trying to figure out how they would enter the land of monsters to defeat Mazer peacefully when the four dog demans arrived and said: "What are you doing?" the four heroes responded with what they were doing, then they decided to head out, because they had a group that could defeat the bad guys, they hoped discussion would do. So they headed there:
They will build two objects and discover their relevance to the spirits powers. By following the steps on the previous blog post. 1.1: A stabilizing field First they draw a motion picture, which will be a base for their object: Then they fill it with substances that they define, through portions of the picture: Which they define certain properties: Stability Pathway Offshoots Fluid Then repair the limitations, which begin with its goal: A means to stabilize offshoot paths of reality, through a fluid motion. It requires commitment and work on the daily. It is not an object but could be made into one, if realities are memetic. Perhaps a representation of the idea could be made more visibly Thus, the created object is more mental then physical, but could be represented and is the idea that work on the same project can be controlled and offshoots can be journeyed too, to provide the world a sense of realism and stability. 1.2: Design of the objects ...