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Religion and Philosophy against Absurdity.

Religion is a marvelous design which creates several potential world views and counter cultures to each other, each has a unique flair and a unique attribution, which creates its originality, it is a system of marvelous becoming with different results for different kinds of people.

But in this their is one thing it seeks to combat and it is sometimes misunderstood what exactly the religions of the world combat, so this is a merely theoretical interest, rather then one of explicit certainty, since it relates to the inherent bonds of the individual religion.

None the less, each religion has a quality of similarity which is studied in this specific case towards this end of something else, and so this interpretation of religion is rather absurd, while seeking to combat absurdity and the variety of that thing, since it is absurdity that leaves us bored and uncertain what to do, when we were primitives:

So this absurdity was made to be of interesting battle, better then any that would ever be seen again in the end of days, when the absurdity returned. So the idea of religion was to combat it from the very beginning, but loose to it in the end, at least in accordance with how it would win.

This is why the first God was the Primitive:

Who represented the primitive concepts required to defeat Absurdity, before he returned and so the story of history transpired as it would each time the absurdity was seeked to be ended.Absurdity did nothing wrong however, because it was merely absurd to exist.

So why did those primitives seek on to vanquish the Absurdity, if it has to in in the end, when they finished that battle, finished because they won against absurdity, and absurdity returns as soon as he is vanquished, when their is no more story left at the end of that timeless age before wisdom, when the primitive God is forgotten.

Or further still after that?

Is it perhaps for Philosophy?

Because Philosophy is the source of religion, in that it hopes to answer questions about life and thus overcome the absurdity, which relates to the world, is this like religion, not really. Because religion is unlike Philosophy, which carries to argument while Religion has no argument of relevance.

So Philosophy and religion both thrive for the end of Absurdity, where their is nothing to do and only gibberish to hear, while the primitives first began to know more then that absurdity, they will return to it again and again unless they overcome this matter, with something greater.

Because that ending, the end of the religion or the philosophy brings back the absurdity, that it is still in lacking nature, and the Absurdity isn't even in care, nor interest to anyone,but with the religion and the philosophy finished, what can be done without them and without absurdity, that would still resound as a thing less then absurd?

An undefinable concept, which goes above the idea of the finished could actually overcome Absurdity once and for all, while composing itself from the things held within both Philosophy and Religion ( the twin pairs of overcome ) and can therefore be called Persona, the thing of personhood.

This is is the sudden question of the train of thought, what can be done with the persona, if not what it begins with, the person and the thing above it, called the answer!

For the person, he continues onward from the end of absurdity and its return, when the above beings are seemingly unrelated and unable to be blended, like a religion with different shades, that is still ruled by that absurd, while not relating at all.

So in this Blog post, I will define the four spirits ( Religion, Absurdity, Primitive, Philosophy ) as aspects of the greater Persona!

Persona is  the quality of a God of something in in its ascent after itself, so for example:

Religion moves on from its basic concept, the Primitive animism, towards pantheism and then monotheism, so what follows from that? Where does the concept follow from after it is first born, gone to more and then ascended to single ways.

It has had an infancy, a growth and an end, but what comes after the end among religion, if it has wondered, learned and finished.

Does it continue, but with what in the persona?

It leads back to a modern Animism that springs from the mono.

Where the one god is not only itself, but has gone out to other camps and made other realms, that must be coexisted with in tribal interaction, on a speck greater then it's previous spec.

The absurdity is thus Vanquished and has moved elsewhere, so where has it moved?

Perhaps it is in the growing lesson of what it is that follows from primitives once more.

If it is not a greater pantheon, that builds from that first primitive tribal divide, but we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves, since tribalism is not an easy thing to overcome when it is also a monothiesm of the solutions it previously built.

So as you see, the persona, is in the motion of the previous God, to that place after its first part, to its second part, but a question makes us wonder what comes of both Primitive and Philosophy, if they have both moved elsewhere then their places we know and are now find together:

Tribalistic Philosophy is where we are now and where it will go is another enlightenment after the debates of this not knowing have finished, in that place called rome but not rome.

What we call yesterday, in first was Tribalism, as the place of great tradition and great discovery among things simple, the philosophy could be said to be naive compared to the more learned times after, with the difference being it's own ignorance and eventual knowledge.

So today, we could argue that we are learned, but  naive about what to do next and what to do in thought now, that is not already answered in thought, but the lesson is not learned without that first part we have forgotten.

For example:

  • Determinism is the belief that we have no free will.
  • Free will is the belief that we are self selectively free.
But we do not know what the function of either is, so while we have in tribal difference selected that first part, without that second part, we have not found its function, so Philosophy is not yet finished and its determinism and free will have moved.

So then, in this rambling thought, The primitive moves, and it leads to latter concepts, but the things before remain as basis to that that follows.

But absurdity exists only for periods of its interest, where their seems no point to it, but Absurdity always comes before Primitive, so in many ways it has come again and been vanquished by the tribes, as it did those years ago in the beginning.

But I'm no longer certain what to say, so I finish with this thought!

If we were to depart from tribes of monotheism, what would be after?


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