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Other blogs...

Much has come before this, below are the links to the other blogs:

Starting history of Prosporo as it all began on Earth. ( Then continuity on Lemuria second cycle)

Returned to the original blog at end of Subsynth, to repeat the cycle of time on Lemuria, with plans to colonize yet another planet called Prosporo 2 to help increase data of cluster.

This will take the same amount of time, worth approximately 6 years, it will recycle the loop of knowledge and themes to keep the timeline symmetrical for better construction of itself.

So yeah, that's a lot of stuff I haven't read since writing.


Wildcard arrived at the gate of the many lands of this world ( which is called Fana ) and realized it could really use a world map and a historical recording, thus he built two machines that would provide this feature:

They scanned the environment and detected the required information:

A map of Fana:

Beginning of Memetic universe:

Wildcard then went to get the four heros:


The four heros arrived, being led by Wildcard to the grand central of transportation across the world.

Wildcard explained that he built two machines, one for seeing what the world looked like and one for getting back to the previous times. He explained that if they wanted to know more about the macrocosm that they should follow him through the wayback across it.

But then Wildcard left, cause he got bored, he went to:

Pharath and friends were a little confused and worried that Wildcard was acting freely across the entire world, but they were going to follow them when, suddenly...

A monster appeared in great shock to the four heroes! In fear the four friends used everything they had ( which was very little ) to try and defend themselves.

Sugu tried making it rain, but her luck was not with her and she could not cause a torrent of rain.

The four friends thought they were done for, But Hilisa said:

"We have to find a way to fix that limit!"

So Sugu, thinking fast improvised and began to hover!

She then shot a torrent of rain from her finger tip, that erupted into lighting, killing the monster instantly, but recovering the mans life!

Pharath and the rest looked at sugu in shock and said:

"How the hell did you do that?"

Sugu said:

"I think i found a new kind of magic!"

Pharath said:

"What is it?"

"Memetic magic!" Said Sugu." It's all about the memes, the ideas written or verbalized in virtual space rather then in reality ( like sprays ) and I got this idea from Wildcards machines!"

Pharath said:

"Hmmm, I don't think your the only one who knows that, the monster was one too!"

Hilisa said:

"Something must be afoot!"

"We should investigate further!" Said Vane.

Sugu said:

"At least we learned something new from this event!"

Then they returned to their places at the top of the posts.


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